Warning: Use of undefined constant PREG_PATTERN_VALID_LANGUAGE - assumed 'PREG_PATTERN_VALID_LANGUAGE' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /var/www/kucjica/emperors-wiki/inc/parser/xhtml.php on line 633

Warning: preg_replace(): Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in /var/www/kucjica/emperors-wiki/inc/parser/xhtml.php on line 633
import serial, glob, time, servoclass

while True:
    servo = int(raw_input("which motor?\n"))
    servoToMove = servoclass.Servo(servo)
    movement = int(raw_input("input an angle (ccw:80 / stop:90 / cw:100)\n"))