====== manual backup ====== (run as sudo) - local backup rsync -azvv --exclude /var/log /etc /home /opt /var /pathtofolderwherebackupisstored - remote backup rsync -azvv -e ssh /foldertobackup remoteuser@remotehost.remotedomain:/wheretostorebackup https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync to backup mysql database, it is enough to: - stop mysql server /etc/init.d/mysql stop - backup the contents of the /var/lib/mysql folder rsync -azvv /var/lib/mysql /somewhere - backup the database(s) mysqldump -u root -ptmppassword --all-databases > /tmp/all-database.sql source {{http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/09/backup-and-restore-mysql-database-using-mysqldump/|here}} ====== automated backup ====== (as sudo) run crontab: crontab -e edit the file, so that cronjob will run the command each 1st of the month, at 20:45 45 20 1 * * rsync -azvv --exclude /var/log /etc /home /opt /var /srv/mis_duplicate/backingup and backup the server (only folders /etc, /home, /opt, /var) to an external disk > cron format: http://www.nncron.ru/help/EN/working/cron-format.htm more: http://rbgeek.wordpress.com/2012/05/22/automatic-backup-from-ubuntu-server-with-rsync/