This is a simple python code to test the responsiveness and speed of two servo motors connected to an arduino. One motor is a linear servo actuator with 100mm stroke length. The other is a regular servo motor with a 180° rotation angle. #the 2 motors program #import the lib from arduino import Arduino, Servo import glob, time #get the active port portz=glob.glob("/dev/ttyUSB*")[0] #print portz #specify the port as an argument my_board = Arduino(portz) #declare output pins as a list/tuple my_board.output([9,11]) linear=my_board.attachServo(9) rotational=my_board.attachServo(11) #perform operations print "",, linear.write(40) rotational.write(80) print "putting servos to sleep. positions: 40, 80" time.sleep(12) i=1 while(i<180): j=40+(i*0.64) print "linear:", int(j) linear.write(int(j)) print "rotational:", i rotational.write(i) time.sleep(1) i+=10