====== BridgeClient module to interface Python to Arduino ====== found at /usr/lib/python.27/bridge from tcp import TCPJSONClient from time import sleep class BridgeClient: def wait_response(self, json, timeout): while timeout>=0: r = json.recv() if not r is None: return r timeout -= 0.1 sleep(0.1) return None def wait_key(self, key, json, timeout): while True: r = self.wait_response(json, timeout) if r is None: return None try: if r['key'] == key: return r['value'] except: pass def get(self, key): json = TCPJSONClient('', 5700) json.send({'command':'get', 'key':key}) r = self.wait_key(key, json, 10) json.close() return r def put(self, key, value): json = TCPJSONClient('', 5700) json.send({'command':'put', 'key':key, 'value':value}) r = self.wait_key(key, json, 10) json.close() return r