====== Indoor positioning systems for Android ====== a comprehensive article on different indoor positioning technologies http://spectrum.ieee.org/telecom/wireless/new-indoor-navigation-technologies-work-where-gps-cant THE CHOSEN SYSTEM: ===== Red Pin ===== * [[http://redpin.org/|Red Pin]] * **wi-fi fingerprint based** october 2014 -> ? USING REDPIN * [[redpin-server|running redpin.jar]] on the edar server * because of post issues (not able to open access to 8000 outside of epfl network) moved the server to KUCJICA. same process, same database; MEASUREMENTS * december 12, BC building; performed 4 measurements all lasting about 2 minutes. kept track of the movement by hand (noted positions and times on a peace of paper) and compared that to the data the app sent to the server; results can be found here [[http://kucjica.kucjica.org/emperors-vizi/bc-measurements-12-12-14.html|measurement tests 12.12.2014]] OTHER POSSIBLY USEFUL APPS: ===== Foot Path ===== * [[http://www.comsys.rwth-aachen.de/research/projects/footpath/|FootPath]]: a project developed at the Aachen University; * **infrastructure-less tracking**: starts from a known point and with a floor plan; uses accelerometer+gyroscope to determine the path taken from the starting point; * **+** doesn't need to be online, doesn't need any additional information about the environment; * **-** needs a map to be pre-uploaded; * **-** error adds up; TEST: * cloned the [[https://github.com/COMSYS/FootPath|github]] project, imported in Eclipse * downloaded a map using JOSM (download here and run: java -jar josm-tested.jar) * replaced the value in Loader.java, line 200 with the name of the map (epflmap) * chmod +x update-revfile.sh, run ./update-revfile.sh * restart Eclipse, run the app. * it crashes, on all phones, immediately :( * there is a version of FootPath in playstore, this one works well enough to test; ===== IDocent ===== * [[http://www.egr.msu.edu/classes/ece480/capstone/spring11/group02/|IDocent]] developed at Michigan State University, aimed at guiding blind people around buildings, has a text-to-speech engine; * uses **wi-fi triangulation** and custom maps; * watch video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV-9OPnu3cM TEST * dwloaded the [[http://www.egr.msu.edu/classes/ece480/capstone/spring11/group02/documents/iDOCENT.zip|zip file for Android]] * imported the project into Eclipse and set the target Android version * run as application on Motorola test phone; * iDocent freezes, then has to quit because it's not responding; :( ([[idocent-error-log|error log]]) ===== TeroM IPS ===== * https://github.com/TeroM/indoor-position-tracker * wi-fi fingerprint based * fingerprints need to be preset (define points on a map, scan and remember the results); after creating this base/dictionary of positions, it locates the user closest to the defined points; TEST * cloned the project [[git@github.com:TeroM/indoor-position-tracker.git]], loaded to Eclipse * run on Motorola, loads and works well! ===== a little bit of microsoft input: RADAR ===== triangulation systems based on signal strength http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/radar/ ===== the calculation ===== how to calculate the geographic midpoint for two or more points on the earth's surface; how to calculate the center of minimum distance; how to calculate the average latitude/longitude http://www.geomidpoint.com/calculation.html ===== MORE ===== * WIGGLE: a contribution based map of wireless access points. https://wigle.net/ ===== conclusions ====== need something closest to the TeroM tool + a general map of the space; map the space out (preset points and scan the db at each point); load all this information in the app (with an option to edit or re-measure db strengths);